A blog about QA and testing from the Ghost Inspector team. Subscribe to stay up to date with our latest posts!

11 Most Asked Questions about Ghost Inspector’s API
How versatile is the Ghost Inspector API? We’re so glad you asked! With our API, you can easily integrate Ghost Inspector into your current software testing processes

What are the Benefits of Continous Integration (CI)?
Working in software development requires agility and speed. With competitive markets and constantly evolving user needs, organizations can’t afford to waste time on the development

The Quick Guide to Automated Geolocation Testing
Are you a QA tester grappling with the challenge of making sure geolocation testing is reliable and efficient? If so, then you’re in the right

What Is Integration Testing? Definition, Types, and Tools
Integration testing is the second step of the software development process, occurring after unit testing. Once all the different components have been designed and tested,

9 Test Automation Best Practices to Start 2025 Off Right
As we round the bend into 2025, here’s our best advice for maximizing your automation testing productivity and avoiding mistakes. Automated testing entails much more

Reduce Technical Debt Fast with Automated Web Testing
When it comes to developing and building websites and web applications, a certain amount of technical debt is expected. In fact, some even argue that

How to use Selenium IDE with Ghost Inspector: An Automation Testing Tutorial
Selenium IDE is a popular open-source tool for recording and running automated browser tests. You can use it to interact with a browser the way a human

What is Smoke Testing? Meaning, Uses, and Tools
Every QA tester knows: time is money. When something breaks down on your website or web application, it can cause major issues for users within

9 Types of Software Testing that QA Testers Should Know
Quality Assurance testers play an important role in verifying that company software maintains its functionality and reliability. Because the world of software testing is an