Preferred Partners

A list of recommended partner services with strong Ghost Inspector integrations


JDAQA is a scalable team of experienced software quality assurance professionals with a high level of Ghost Inspector expertise. While Ghost Inspector is designed to be approachable for all teams, your business may be looking for additional hands-on resources to help with test development and maintenance. Whether you need an entire team, or one tester to bolster your current team, JDAQA can accommodate you with experienced Ghost Inspector professionals.


QADeputy is a service that aims to centralize your QA operations by bringing all of your team’s test cases from across various services into a QA management system — and it integrates nicely with Ghost Inspector. QADeputy has a two-way integration with Ghost Inspector. It allows QADeputy test cases to be mapped directly to Ghost Inspector test cases. Once a mapping occurs, users can then run their Ghost Inspector tests from within their QADeputy account and the system automatically feeds the results back into QADeputy test runs in real time.


Cantilever ( is a web design and development studio that offers a comprehensive range of services, including product design, branding, and technical consulting. Cantilever combines their extensive industry knowledge and experience with Ghost Inspector’s testing tools to further boost client results online. Their deep understanding of Ghost Inspector, along with their commitment to delivering top-quality results, makes them an ideal partner to support clients in maximizing their potential with Ghost Inspector.